Thursday, October 16, 2014

Temple-Regan Library-Birthday Extravaganza Week

The only way I seem to know how to start my emails is by saying, "I don't know where to start!" and since I didn't want to start it off that way, I started it off this way instead.

Temple, Companion's birthday, transfer news, church attendance, amazing sacrament talks, prayer mail, miracles, zone t-shirts, regan library, joy, lessons, members, cake, the spirit, scriptures, other sisters, there is just TOO many great things that happened this week!

We had a lesson with Julia (the cupcake girl- she came to a YW activity with her friend Mikayla). she is SOOOO prepared. She said when she reads the Book of Mormon she feels peace and gets " the chills." 

We righteously coerced Michelle into coming to church for sis masons birthday. She was a LA that took her name off the records and hasn’t been to church in a long time. The talks that were given in sacrament meeting where JUST for her. It was perfect. She showed up late and plopped down beside me and take us for surprise. What joy filled our hearts to see this daughter of God in the house of the Lord. We introduced her to Christina. Christina is a recently reactivated member (who took us to the temple this week). They quickly hit it off and found a lot of things in common with their stories. Christina came to our lesson with Michelle later that night, and both we're crying at the end of the lesson. The spirit was strong and Christina was a bold missionary you could feel her love and power!

I have never been in a ward that LOVES the missionaries as much as this ward. Everyone was asking about transfers and talked about it in sacrament meeting and relief society joking that they all needed to pray and fast about us staying. I had a feeling we would stay and we are! Sister Mason and I will continue to be sister training leaders. I am so excited to go on exchanges again! I learn so much and love helping the sisters and learning from them! BONUS: we get to go to transfer meeting even though neither of us are being transferred so I will get to see everyone!

sister Mason had quite the birthday. It felt like it might as well have been mine too. she always gets excited about things and picks fun stuff to look forward to so we are always excited for something. It felt like I was with an excited 5 year old on their birthday the whole day :)

We had a GREAT lesson with joesph and brenda. Joesph wants to be baptized but is waiting to recover from surgery and has not set a goal or date yet. Brenda read form the book of Mormon AND came to a relief society activity this week BY HERSELF! the members were great and talking with her and she really enjoyed it.

We had a few people give us BACK book of Mormons as we went by to follow up. It is amazing how comforting the Lord is. it doesn't really hurt or bring me down. I know we are all in the hands of the Lord and that I am doing everything I can for the people out here. It’s crazy to think my time is drawing to an end, but it's still far enough away I’m not really thinking about it. Just trying to enjoy and relish in the present. We need to do more of that. I read a talk by pres Utchdorf to the young women and he was saying how often we wish to be in a different stage of life. when we're 12 we want to be 14, when we're 14 we want to be 18, when we're 18 we want to be 12 again. He gave great words of counsel: 

"There will always be things to complain about-things that don't seem to go quite right. You can spend your days feeling sad, alone,misunderstood, or unwanted. But that isn't the journey you had hoped for, and it's not the journey your Heavenly Father sent you to take. Remember you are truly a daughter [or son] of god! With this is mind, I invite you to walk CONFIDENTLY and JOYFULLY. Yes, the road has some bumps and detours and even some hazard. But don't focus on them. Look for the happiness you Father in Heaven has prepared for you in every step of your journey. Happiness is the destination, but it's also the path. "Peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come" is what he promises. That is why he commands us to 'BE OFF GOOD CHEER'."

this week I have truly felt the peace that comes from being still and knowing that HE is god. As a Baptist woman we met this week said, "I know WHO'S I AM and WHOSE I AM" 

Love you all. :D Christ's church has been restored to the earth!!

Sister Kait Snow

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