realize I always tell long stories so you get to choose if you want the long
version (1) or the short version (2). then skip to(3) for
the rest of the email ;) Either way it's told, know this experience brought me
immense joy, as have countless other times when I have been entrusted to share
His gospel and been successful. all you have to do is trust him.
"For ye have
desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall
stand. And for this cause ye shall have fullness of joy." -3 Nephi 28:9-10
(1) We pulled up to the gate. there are a
lot of gated communities in Simi. We wanted to visit a man we have never met
his name is on our roles and so we tell the guard we are here to see Mr Danzek.
He checks the guest list. we are not on there, "of course we aren't" I
thought to myself, "they are members in hiding- not many of them welcome
us in!" So the guard calls Mr. danzek. Sister Arndt is next to me
panicking! The guard asks for our name to tell to the people over the phone, I
say my name but know they will have no idea who it is, "tell them it’s the
LDS missionaries." So he does. He laughs then says "Oh, ok" and
hangs us, "yeah Mr. Danzek is watching football right now.
We then give them a name
of an active member and he calls and opens the gate and tells us we can go see
the second person not the first (and yes, we kept the rules) but as he was
calling we asked if there were any service opportunities in the community, he
said he had no idea because the security company is separate from the housing
association. He asked what religion we were and told him and explained briefly
how we believe god reveals his truth to us and the book of Mormon is an ancient
record of this. we also offered him service and wrote our number down on a pass
along card. "I've studied a lot of religions, but never the Mormons."
"would you like a book?" I asked, "It's free" "Yeah!
that'd be great!"
Moral of the story, be
honest and follow the spirit and you can find missionary opportunities
(2) We tried to get into a gated community
but the less active member rejected us over the phone, but it was great because
we talked to the guard, he asked us what church we were from and he accepted a
book of Mormon!
(3) Well, that's about all I have for today.
Sister Arndt and I get along great! the lord has really blessed us with the
ability to teach together in strong unity. I am learning from her and she is
learning from me and we are both learning from god. I am grateful for the
opportunities he gives us to SHINE!!! so my invitation to YOU is really an echo
of HIS:
"Hold up your
light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall
hold up-that which ye have seen me do" 3Nephi18:24
"Therefore let
your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and
glorify you Father who is in heaven." 3Nephi 12:16
6 minutes of holding
it up, brings immeasurable joy. The Lord will help us achieve our righteous
desires. It is through him that we are able to! try it.
Love you all! Keep the
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