Thursday, October 16, 2014

the kingdom of heaven is like unto...

A child.

 We had a very wonderful experience at the park. We went up and talked to two teenagers about our loving heavenly father and his plan for us. they were not receptive. as they walked away we turned to go the other direction. from the swings a 9 year old boy walked toward us and said, "excuse me, I heard you talking about God and I just wanted to let you know that I believe in God."  We talked to him for a bit, he recalled how his father passed away when he was 6 and god has helped him, "not be sad anymore"
      He simply and fervently expressed desire to attend church more often and to get to know god better. Corey was his name. and he forever will be in my mind when I read or listen to sermons about child like humility. He was teachable, he was sincere and he had righteous desires. He offered to give us his mom’s number but the man he was with at the park (his mom's boyfriend) didn't has his phone with him. so we got his address. he is in the other ward boundaries. Instead for being disappointed that I will not be able to teach him, I feel privileged to be have crossed paths and help point him the right way. When we found out he was nine I mentioned that in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints we can be baptized at age 8. I was about to explain the reason for the age was because that is when we become accountable and capable of committing sin, but he said it before I could, "Oh that makes sense, so you can know what you're doing is right." "Exactly, " we said "So...So I could be baptized?" he asked excitedly. 
      We gave him a book of Mormon and prayed with him. He asked if he could offer it. He thanked god for meeting us, and likewise in my mind I was thanking god we got to meet Corey. We said our good byes and talked to a few other people at the park. we watched him leave with his chaperon and his nose was in the opened book of Mormon with his finger following along the many lines as he read.  the lord knows his children. He knows who is ready. 

I find many people's stumbling blocks to exercising faith is that they have the incorrect idea of who god is, who we are in relation to him and the true definition of love. Acceptance is a part of love yes, but the true love of a parent is in desiring their child to surpass their own successes and joys. it’s in becoming better than themselves. God gives us commandments because he know there is a better way of living. My mother did not tell me to stay out of the street and brush my teeth or not to touch the stove because she wanted to rain on my parade. Rather it is because She was more aware of I of the natural consequences of these actions than I was. We cannot change consequences of our actions- only our actions do we have power over. I can choose to throw or not to throw a rock , but I cannot control gravity bringing it back down to earth. people will say god is not loving because of x,y,or z. or that because of x,y,and z god must not exist because he would them be a god without love. PERHAPS they do not understand the full definition of love which god himself personifies. It reminds me of the talk Elder Holland gave last conference, people want a comfortable god. Who wants a comfortable coach or boss or teacher? not those who desire to be star athletes or CEOS or professors. We have great potential and it is only though accepting and cultivating our divine nature and relationship with divinity that that can be reached. Let us accept the help! We have infinite intentional. yet many reject it because they cannot comprehend calculus in there elementary math class. they see X's and  derivatives and they don’t see how they fit into the context of addition and multiplication. 

the world needs more humble learners and less self-proclaimed teachers. I am thankful for my father in heaven and his perfect plan and way of revealing truth. through the spirit of god our minds can be enlightened, and our hearts made whole. he desired for us not to be content or complacent but prefect and progressive. through his son Jesus Christ we can all achieve this lasting change. 

D&C 112:10 "Be though humble and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the Hand and give the answer to thy prayers."

Let us follow the example of Corey and trust in god, take him at his word- myself included. 
In the holy name of Jesus Christ amen-

-sister Kaitlin Snow

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