Monday, December 15, 2014

an unlikely letter

i got to go back to ventura 2nd ward for the day. I was on exchanges with sister Harrison, who is a great missionary. she is just so ready and willing to work. the first door of the day we spent an hour at and the woman wanted to learn more invited us in and we had a lesson with her. 

it’s crazy being in an area for so long. i got used to picking up and leaving, but you really see the Lords hand at work and His purposes re manifested in time. sister Gillaland has been coming to church more, and Joesph Heurta just got the arronic priesthood. Sister mason asked him if he could take a few moments and write down his feelings toward those that shared the gospel with him. Her dad would be sharing it in his mission prep class. he wrote his conversion story down and read it to us, here is an expert:

"In the early months of the year 2014, on the early hours of a really beautiful day two very pleasant young female missionaries stopped by my house in simi valley, california. I had a feeling that they carried with them something wonderful." 

Now, i was not one of those 2 sisters. That was sister proctor and sis stolker. But i have been privileged to help along the way. As Paul says to the Corinthians describing this team of missionaries, "I planted, Apollos watered, but god gave the increase"  and OH! what joy fills your heart when you encourage and support someone who accepts the restored gospel. "I am the fruits of your labor that god did through you." Joseph told us. Truly righteousness brings forth good fruit and anything other than that doesn't. I am grateful for the many opportunities god has given me to understand that as i have been on my mission. 

we had a great lesson with Danny (joseph son) and he loved reading the book of mormon. he really digested it and pointed out a lot of principles. 

Well, i love this church, because it is gods kingdom, he has implemented a perfect way for his imperfectly children to minister his blessing to all. The only words that come to mind are from the living Christ " God be thanks for the matchless gift of his divine son!"

until next week, (Love,)

Sister Snow

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