Monday, December 15, 2014

Grateful for the Gospel!

Thanksgiving was great. lots of miracles. we got to go to a less active family’s house and they had some non members and some active member family. we shared a thanksgiving message and talked about the difference between Nephi and Laman in the book of Mormon (hint the former is grateful and the latter is not). They liked it. Afterwards the mom said, "Do you HAVE to go NOW?" because we were getting ready to leave. we stayed a little longer as her sister asked us questions about what we do as missionaries. people are always surprised when we tell them we do not get paid, but pay to support ourselves while we are on missions. 

We also got invited into another less-active members house. her name is sister milks. she was introducing us to her family members and gave us some pie. You learn that if eating pie, is what will make people comfortable to talk to you, then "By all means, Let's eat pie!" 

At all the 5+ houses we went to , there were smiles and family and joy. it is interesting to note. the homes WITH the restored gospel had a FULLER measure of joy. there was something greater about it. We know we can live together forever, and it is assured through our righteous actions. 

At the end of the night we went to the shigokas. they are an old couple in our ward and we had at one point taught their adult daughter Michelle. It was her birthday. they are the ones that had the flood a few months ago. all their stuff is boxed up in stored on the main level of the house. they graciously offered us a mismatched dinning chair and a camping chair. they had little but shared what they had. no complaints. just smiles and laughs at their silly situation. i told them there is no place I’d rather be than with them on thanksgiving. they are they most grateful people i know. Here their house floods and they see it as an opportunity to lean on god more to grow and to form closer bonds of friendships with others. a lot of good has come out of that flood, Minka shigoka says, "I wish i would have come sooner." Its brought her daughter to church a few times. 

Friday after dinner we left with a huge bag of leftover turkey. we decided to go give it to a couple we met up the street (Mike and Shauna). They were the ones the horse led us to in bridle path, and when we came back for our appointment mike opened the door before we could knock on it) long tangent. ANYWAY, we STRONGLY felt like we should drop it by. We were a little scared because we didn’t want to bother them. Shauna sister answered who is 33. we started talking to her. she eventually invited us in, we talked about the godhead and taught her to pray. she told us how she knew it was no coincidence we came by that night. she prayed and the spirit was very strong. she is sick now, but we hope to meet with her soon!

Saturday we had a spontaneous Christmas wrapping party! A woman we had talked to before was out in the front with her special needs daughter. we helped her untangle lights and she started asking us questions about the church. after that was done we offered to continue to help. she let us inside (fot the first time, and we have seen her 4+ times) we found out she and Morgan (her daughter) went to the trunk or treat. we talked more about god, and i mostly entertained Morgan as we were wrapping gifts. Julie (the mom) was touched. it was such a great situation to be able to spend time with them. Morgan actually grew up in Nauvoo . A goal i had this past week was to teach simply. God really does give us opportunities to improve when we ask for it. i got to tell Morgan some simple gospel truths. we also taught the 7 yr. old primary class sunday. 

all is goo over here. Pray for Joseph to continue to have the strength to keep the commandments. he is a good man.

For thanksgiving this year i am grateful for my savoir (shich allowed me to listen to Christmas music early... :)

Take a moment at watch "He is the Gift" on the main page of also found at there is a dramatic difference in feeling at the beginning of the clip and at the end. in the beginning they are celebrating Christmas, at the end, they are celebrating Christ.

I know that as we celebrate Christ this season more of his love will come into our hearts. we will feel charity toward others and desire to do good. we will be better able to follow his example. "God be thanked for the matchless gift of his divine son!"

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